Sunday, April 30, 2017

Ear Infection and Cough

Before I get to the obvious content of this post- take a look at the dress Tehilla wore today. When I came to pick Tehilla up from school, her teacher asked me why I did not send her in white and blue as had been requested for the school Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) today. I said, "There is white and blue on her dress..." Her teacher said, "Come know what I mean..."

I said, "Betty, I know what you mean but you don't understand what I mean. I mean that was all the blue and white you were going to get Tehilla to agree to. And that means it comes with a healthy helping of pink too. She wouldn't hear of anything else, and this was not the battle I was fighting this morning."

When I picked Tehilla up from school, her color looked off and she felt warm. When I checked her temperature it was just a few decimal points away from a fever and I was not willing to wait to get stuck without a doctor over Yom Ha'atzmaut.

So we saw the doctor on call tonight who immediately saw that Tehilla has a very bad ear infection and could hear her cough and associated it with a post nasal drip. Because she has been taking antibiotics about every two weeks,  he prescribed her a very strong medication to hopefully get rid of these bacteria that seem to be lingering.

Let's hope it helps and she can stay healthy. 


  1. May she be healed quickly and soon.

  2. refua shlaima! tehilla has great taste in clothing! the dress is sooo pretty! hope she is feeling better soon!

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