Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tummy Troubles Ongoing

For the past few days, things have been tough for little Tehilla.  She will not take the oil and spits it out when we manage to force it in.

She has spent the last 3 days crying and whining nearly all day. She hasn't taken her naps and hasn't slept for a few nights.

Today, we went back to our doctor. He examined her and then she had an x-ray done. Her stomach problems are backed up higher up.

So now, she is on a stricter regiment. Prune juice, prunes and a powder medication that I can hide in her food. Let's hope this helps.

1 comment:

  1. Medications can cause constipation and it isn't good for her not to have a bowel movement because it keeps toxins in !! Have prayed and will continue to pray for Tehilla and her family !! The prunes,prune juice will certainly help instead of cheese try yogurt if this is permissible by the doctors !!
    Be aware her bowel movement when it happens might be quite substantial and odorous !! Not sure what she is able to eat yet think oatmeal instead of rice can be eaten !! This is advice as I have 2 grown children yet neither had her delicate condition .Please disregard if you feel as a mother this is not helpful , you are after all her mother and are aware of all facts regarding eating .Try gripe water for pain and discomfort as my daughter was colicky in her first 3 months as a baby , again if it is O.K. as per your doctor .
    May Hashem make the little one's bowels become more regular again as soon as possible !!
    Always love,
