Sunday, March 30, 2014

4th Floor

In Tehilla's last ditch effort to stay in PICU, she got a rash on her head, back and stomach. Either it's an allergic reaction or viral.

The only "new" thing she has eaten was Gerber baby food. I make her baby food fresh at home. There are preservatives in it, so it could be to that. 

But her stalling didn't work and we have been transferred. This ward is just as difficult as I remember it. It truly encompasses the name "step down". 

It's a giant room with 8 beds separated by curtains. As soon as we got here, we were placed in the space directly ahead. I noticed that the corner spot that is around the corner, near the window and has two walls, was unoccupied. I immediately asked to be moved there. As ridiculous as it seems, it provides a lot more privacy and even a slight removal from all the noise. I may have become an advocacy-addict. I acknowledge my problem. 

So we're here, and trying to be positive, we are making excellent progress to the end result: home. 


  1. Good luck! keep doing your advocating, especially in the surgical ward.

  2. Oh, 4th floor, we were there recently, I remember you well...! But if 4th floor is the next stop on the way home, then we welcome it! Yay Tehilla for showing everyone your strength! Keep it up, and bring your Ima home soon, bezH!!

  3. Shoshana…the Mama Warrior…you are an inspiration to all of us to remember that the most effective advocate for our children, is their Mama….Wishing you lots of strength, to you and your husband, your children and to Tehilla bas Shoshana who chose the right parents up in heaven!

  4. We are davening. Hoping to grat from you at home soon. Some very nice nurses down there. There's one named Dina, she was wonderful. Yifat comes around a lot too, no words for her sensitivity. They put the more complex cases where you are, supposedly to 'keep a closer eye' on the monitor from the nurses desk.
    Wishing you much hatzlocha!!
