Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Our Miracle

A family that is near and dear to our hearts, with a HLHS heart warrior son, sent Tehilla this shirt, after her surgery. It says, "Nes Gadol Haya Po", which means "A big miracle happened here". These are the four words that are symbolized on a sivivon or dreidel (a top). It is a commemoration of the great miracle that happened during the time of Hanukkah.

We still have not fully grasped the reality that our daughter beat all odds and survived her surgery and is now thriving! There is no other explanation, than to understand that G-d intervened on all of our behalf. She is a miracle!

We absolutely adore this shirt! Thank you!


  1. I am standing here, making latkes, and listening to a shiur about the Jewish concept of beauty as it relates to Hanukkah, and I check your blog and see your beautiful, beautiful little girl! Thinking of all the hidur she is bringing to the world!!! So many miracles to celebrate this Hanukkah... We are living in a miraculously re-established Israel, and in this crazy country that has been a modern state for less than 100 years, we have surgeons and cardiologists and nurses and doctors who are trained and equipped to save the lives of children who are born with only half a heart! And Internet and computers to spread awareness and prayer and learning. And a frickin' adorable shirt. A very great miracle has indeed happened--and is happening--here! Hanukkah sameach to all of you.

  2. ...and she still continues to be a cute living witness of the greatness of G-d.
