Sunday, July 3, 2016

Success and Paced

Our cardiologist just came to talk to us. Tehilla's surgery was a success. She behaved very nicely and had no complications. They had to put in a pacemaker because her heart rate kept dropping too low. We will see over the next 24-48 hours as Tehilla stabilizes if she still needs it.

They have closed up her chest and will be bringing her up to the PICU very soon. They will hook her up to all the various monitors and machines and make sure she is stable before allowing us in.

We are blessed beyond measure. Our heart warrior just graduated to the Fontan Club. This is a milestone of epic preportions.

מה רבו מעשיך ה' כולם בחכמה עשית!

How great are Your works, G-d, all of them with wisdom You made!


  1. So so happy and relieved to hear this news. Literally haven't stopped davening all day. The recovery should go smoothly and quickly, please keep on updating.

  2. Evelynne Rifkind GoldmanJuly 3, 2016 at 4:45 PM

    Evelynne Rifkind Goldman, Rehovot. So pleased to hear that Tehilla came through the surgery, I know you will be upset when you see her in PICU with all the tubes, but she will be ok. It's heartbreaking to see your child or grandchild going through this, and my thoughts are with you.

  3. B"H! So happy to hear! Will continue davening.
