Sunday, October 1, 2017


Today is not just the day that I became a mother with more kids than hands. It's not just the day that our family grew by one more. And it certainly is not a day just like any other.

Today is the day Tehilla was born. 4 years ago. It's the day that we all learnt what we were truly capable of. It's the day that changed everything in more ways than can be listed.

Most importantly it's the day we really truly understood how precious every single day is. That every day is the biggest gift and can't be wasted. It's when life stopped being mundane and became truly magical.

Tehilla, you taught me to believe in miracles. You brought the sparkle in to our life and haven't stopped throwing glitter everywhere- whether metaphorically or literally.

My sweet baby girl, you are 4. We are so blessed to be able to celebrate this day.

Tehilla has been walking over to anyone who will listen to tell them about her Frozen themed birthday party that we will be having after the holidays. She falls asleep at night, listing the food I should prepare, the decorations that need to be hung up and the people that need to be invited.

Happy birthday, Tehilla!


  1. mazel tov! wishing you many more miraculous days until 120!!

  2. I can't stop smiling - mazal tov to all of you! And you know, making lists is a great way to fall asleep... :-)
