Sunday, March 18, 2018

Part 1: I hope

Quite a number of weeks ago, I promised to explain the side story to our heart journey that has kept our family busy and has kept me from updating the blog. It's something big that I really want to explain. I've started and restarted that blog post many times over. I keep having to rewrite it out of fear.

You see, this blog has been with my family through some of the worst situations. You held our hands, held us in your hearts and held us in your prayers. In a lot of ways, that was easy for you to do. We are a family, no different from your own, with an impossible situation. Oh, and an impossibly cute little heart warrior princess. It was easy to understand our predicament and understand that in many cases, the only thing that could save our daughter was G-d's miracles. So, you came running to our aid and loved Tehilla like your own.

This situation is different. This situation takes empathy and education. Our generation is combating re-educating society about this very issue. Often it is met with judgment. I realize I'm being cryptic, and it's purposeful.

So many times, I felt defeated when writing my post, concerned that I wouldn't be able to explain efficiently. Our family has gone through something very very hard, and we have been met with coldness and stigma in small interactions and crucial interactions. I wanted to protect my family from more. I wanted to protect my son. But in remaining quiet, I am only keeping things at status quo. I can only make a change if I speak up and try to explain. For my son and for so many like him.

I'm going to give it my best shot. It's lengthy, so I will split it into several blog posts. I hope it helps make a change. I hope it helps other people, going through similar situations. I hope you all will respond with the same love you have shown us before.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I realize things can be difficult. I will continue to pray that all your needs are met.

  3. Sorry you have been met with coldness etc. I Hope you find the support you need here and in real life. Wishing you and your family all of Hashem's blessings that you need. Pesach is a time when we left Egypt which was a place that constrained us. And of course we know that we leave Egypt every year in a metaphorical sense. I wish for you and your family that you can overcome all the things that seem to be constraining you in this holiday season.

  4. No matter what is going on with your son, you have our prayers and deepest respect. Do whatever you have to do, and Hashem will be with you.

  5. Dear Shoshana: we have never met, but because I have been on this journey, even vicariously, for years now I feel that I am part of your family. We actually are family in the sense that we are klal Yisrael. . . You and your family and whatever is happening you will find understanding and support. No one in this life is perfect, and I certainly will not judge you. I sincerely hope I can help ease whatever burden you feel.
