Sunday, March 29, 2015


Well, thankfully, the Bednisol did not have Tehilla running around screaming "chicken". In fact, as soon as we gave it to her, she went and took a nap, and it really didn't seem to make her hyper at all. It completely took her croup away and she is doing much better.

Over Shabbat, I realized that Tehilla is teething again which explains the constant crankiness. Last night, she started having some pretty bad tummy troubles, so we'll see how today goes.

On Shabbat morning, Tehilla insisted in me putting water in her sippy cup without the lid on. As expected, when she drank from it, she spilled water all down her shirt. She looked up and said, "Ooooh! Oooh! Et! Et! (wet)" and then got up and toddled to her room and went to her dresser and screeched for me to open her drawers. She then pulled out a bunch of clothing and screeched "Essed! Essed! (dressed)"

I realized on Friday that I've been so busy with work, kids and cleaning for Pesach, that I haven't pulled out my camera for a month. Tehilla did not cooperate that much. Well, here you go...

1 comment:

  1. All of your children are so gorgeous! Is Tehilla starting to sprout some HAIR? :)
