Sunday, November 9, 2014


Tehilla has a fever and our doctor is sending us to the ER.

Heading home and then the hospital. 


  1. May the One who was a source of blessing for our ancestors, bring blessings of healing upon Tehilla bat Shoshana, a healing of body and a healing of spirit. May those in whose care she is entrusted, be gifted with wisdom and skill, and those who surround them, be gifted with love and trust, openness and support in their care. And may she be healed along with all those who are in need. Blessed are You, Source of healing. Amen.

  2. I am echoing Sophie's beautiful words, and adding my tefilot for the whole family to be well, and to feel the love and support of those around you.

  3. So sorry to hear this Shoshana, I am glad you are trusting in Hashem because without G-d there would be no way to endure this hardness happening to you and your family. Praying for a complete refuah shelema.
