Sunday, March 23, 2014

All Ready

I spent the day today getting ready. I completed all my work. I got everything ready for Ron to take care of the kids with the help of our families. I prepared any last minute things. And I packed. 

Now, just to get a good nights sleep...Right! Not if this little one can help it.

We are expected to sign in by 9:00am. 


  1. you are a very dear lady. may the holy one of Israel give you only courage and strength and good news. I will be saying tehillim for you and that sweet baby Tehilla. best wishes and much love. what a courageous momma you are.

  2. I agree with anonymous. She said it so well. Shoshana, Hashem is with you and Baby Tehilla, and all your family, and with the doctors. Will be joining others in prayers for Tehilla.

    Bless you all.


    1. Thank you so much. It means the world to us! <3
