Tuesday, March 18, 2014


A week today, Tehilla is going for her Glenn surgery. I would be lying if I said that we aren't scared. Our 5.5 month old baby girl is having her heart reconstructed. There really isn't a single thought or action that I have, that isn't overwhelmed by this. As terrifying as that is, I know that this is in G-d's hands. I believe that Tehilla's purpose in life is to bring people closer to Him.

This blog has generated over 90,000 views. People have written to us from across the globe, informing us of the prayers said for Tehilla.  I believe with my whole heart, that those prayers have helped Tehilla. I think that you all helped jolt G-d's gates.

So, if it isn't too much to ask, I'm going to beg you to do it again. Please spread the word and get her name out. We have the right messengers for the job; our doctors are top rate.  But we need G-d's hand in her recovery.

I have made these cards up:

Please feel free to save it and share it on Facebook or anywhere else. I am also attaching a link to a drive where you can find documents of these cards.  It would mean the world to us, if people would print the cards, and put them up in your shuls, mikvahs, seminaries, yeshivas, and wherever else you can think of.  I am attaching it in Hebrew, as well.

Link to download cards

I know we have people reading from Italy, Spain, Belgium and many more places.  I would be happy to make cards up in whatever language.  Please comment below and send me the translation.


  1. I've opened a Tehilim for her רפואה שלמה!
    בשורות טובות ורפואה שלמה בקרוב בע"ה!!

    1. Shoshana, how do I contact you? You can email me tzilahr@gmail.com may everything go smooth may she have a full recovery!

    2. I am not sure if that is your email address in response to my message or someone else also asked you for your email. my email is proudtante at gmail dot com. if you have a chance to email me. it;s totally not an emergency

  2. I thought you would like to know that a group of Challah Bakers are doing Hafrashat Challah for Tehilla this Friday. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm sorry I haven't been in touch. How is your son?

    2. Bh doing really well. We are up for fontan after Pesach. I am really thinking of you and hoping things go smoothly. We can talk when things settle down with you guys a bit Imy'H. Good luck.

  4. Please post the exact date and time (and in which country) she will be in surgery. May G-d guide the hand of the surgeon and bless Tehilla bat Shoshana with a refulah shlema!

    1. Her surgery is on Tuesday, March 25th in Israel. I don't have a time, although chances are that they will take her for surgery around 8 or 9 am. I will know a time the Monday before.

      Amen, and thank you.

    2. It was postponed to Thursday, March 27th. I still do not have a time.

    3. Scratch that. It's back to Tuesday, March 25th.

  5. Brazilian Portuguese for the card:
    Tehilla nasceu com metade de um coração. Por favor, mantenha ela na suas orações.

  6. May God Bless little Tehilla, she get well very soon ... good wishes from India.

    1. Thank you and amen! Do you need the cards translated to any language?
