Saturday, October 12, 2013

Peaceful Shabbat

This Shabbat was very special for us. Ron's boss very thoughtfully and wonderfully gifted all of us Shabbat at the Hadassah Hotel, next to the hospital. My husband, our kids and I slept and ate there. While, of course, we weren't all together, we were able to get some much needed family time and frequently check and spend time with Tehilla. One nurse even let my 7 year old daughter run in for a half a minute to see Tehilla. We went into Shabbat more relaxed than we've been since we got Tehilla's prenatal diagnosis of HLHS, knowing that Tehilla was doing well after her first surgery.

Throughout Shabbat, Tehilla had a few fluctuations in her blood test results, but is doing well and is stable. Her lungs and breathing are great. Tomorrow, they plan on trying to get her to eat.

Thank you to everyone that has said Tehillim, baked challah and lit Shabbat candles early for her. There is no doubt in my mind that this has all contributed to Tehilla's health. 

1 comment:

  1. Tears of joy are flowing here in Michigan because of this last report. Praise be to the Name of the only One who can and does heal those who trust in Him. Hallelujah!
