Friday, October 11, 2013

Slight Improvement

There has been a very slight improvement. Her left lung opened a very little bit. There are also indications from her blood work of an improvement. This means they will not intubate her again, but continue on with physio. This is a very positive sign as it means that her lungs did not collapse from something being anatomically problematic and it's just a matter of time.

Please keep up all the praying, challah baking and everything else.

1 comment:

  1. Wow i just came across this blog and feel heartbroken for you :-( i simply cannot get you and tehila out of my mind. Rochel imeinus yartzheit is coming up this week and it happens to be my daughters birthday and will also now be a day where a tearful prayer be sent to our beautiful mother in heaven who will no doubt be crying with me for her daughter tehila to get well and have a successful speedy recovery!
