Saturday, December 6, 2014

Shabbat of Ups

Tehilla overall has been doing very well. She has had many things removed and has been stepping down beautifully.

She is having trouble with urine output, so she is on Fusid.  She is having trouble with high blood pressure which they have been unsuccessfully treating with Captopril. They are gently raising the dose more and more.

They are on top of her pain management with Achemol (tylenol), Optalgin, and Morphine when needed.

Because of the changes in pressure in her head, she has had many moments of irritability and headaches. We had one of our favorite nurses and Tehilla was clearly agitated and stressed out- she was pulling her hair. I called our nurse over and we were trying to calm her. Tehilla threw her pacifier at her. "Yup, I'll go get her some morphine."

But she also had plenty of happy, playful moments where she ate tons of food, made animal noises, played with some toys and listened to the books I read her and the songs I sang her. 

Nothing she is going through is unexpected. It seems that once they get her blood pressure under control, we may actually go to the step down floor.

Also, exciting details: Tehilla's saturation has been between 77-82!

Not sure if anyone recognizes Tehilla's beautiful hospital gown made specially for her by our heart mama friend, Rebekah! Go to to be part of the beautiful things she does!


  1. Yay! So happy to read good news after thinking about you guys all shabbat. May this shavua bring only tov! Keep cheerful, beautiful girl!

  2. Baruch Hashem! We on Team Tehillah appreciate the wonderful update and are davening for her continued recovery! <3
